Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lyda Astrove: Board Must Consider Fiscal Realities

Gazette, Wednesday August 25, 2010, by Andrew Ujifusa, Staff Writer:
"A special-education advocate for 15 years, Astrove said she was motivated to run this year in part due to the conflict between the school board and the County Council this spring, when the board threatened to sue the council over $33 million in cuts proposed by the council. Although the situation was resolved without the lawsuit being filed, Astrove said it showed board members' inability to deal with new, more austere fiscal realities and its detachment from the rest of the community.
"I don't think really they understood the significance of the county's very valuable triple-A bond rating," Astrove said, referring to the rating that allows the county to borrow money at low interest rates."

"In addition, Astrove said the Board of Education has spent too little time debating budgets and contracts presented by Weast, and also has failed to adequately consider public input and concerns. In contrast, Astrove said she preferred the approach used by former board member Blair Ewing (a school board member for 22 years). She recalled watching him and others debate fine points on the budget for hours at a time."

To read the complete article, click HERE.

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