Saturday, November 27, 2010

Seneca Creek Charter School

Read about plans for the Seneca Creek Charter School HERE.

From their website:

Seneca Creek Charter School is applying to become a K-8 public charter school in upper Montgomery County, MD, with a focus on natural sciences, community-based studies, and outdoor education.

Our research-based EIC Model™ Curriculum (Using the Environment as an Integrating Context) will enable us to:

Encourage children to make discoveries for themselves (inquiry-based learning) and solve problems creatively
Offer integrated-interdisciplinary instruction that breaks down traditional barriers between disciplines
Use learner-centered approaches adapted to the needs and unique abilities of individual students
Structure the school day with plenty of daily outdoor time - incorporating the natural world into each discipline
Connect children with their community through service learning opportunities, and field trips
Offer small class sizes, which will allow for more tailored instruction.

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