Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Good Life

As Scott finishes his last year of formal schooling, I think back to how our journey began in what used to be the small autism community. When Scott was little, around 3 years old, it seemed like we knew every other family with an autistic preschooler in Montgomery County. (Of course, that was back in the days when no one really liked to diagnose young children with the "A" word.)

"Cure" talk was big among parents in 1994, just like it is today. It was just the beginning of the "Cure Autism Now!" movement, the "Defeat Autism Now" movement, leading to Autism Speaks, Autism Awareness Month, Light it up Blue, Walk Now for Autism, etc etc. Those of us looking to help our children were faced with a series of methods, some promising "cure". I remember vividly going to a session with Dr. Lovaas at the Twinbrook Crowne Plaza, where he insisted that parents needed to do 40 hours/week in home programs, and it must be started before age 4, to receive any benefit from applied behavioral analysis training at all. Cures ranged from special diets, megavitamins, chelation therapy, auditory integration training, secretin, in-home Lovaas therapy, Son Rise therapy, and I can't remember what-all else. We didn't do any of it. We placed our hope and trust in a good solid education, and I think it paid off. Can't say he's "cured," though.

And of course, for there to be a "cure," there had to be a "cause." Thankfully, we moved away from the "refrigerator mother" theory. In short order we had the folks who claimed the MMR vaccine caused autism, then the people who blamed the thimerisol in other vaccines. Now, horror of horrors, there is a study out that blames women who were FAT during their pregnancies!

So, I've come to my own conclusion about what causes autism: IT'S JUST ONE OF THOSE THINGS. One of those random acts of fate. Unknowable by us non-scientists. If they ever figure it out, for sure, I'm sure they will let us know. In the meantime, how about we focus on the kids that are here now. Let's give them appropriate schooling, good health care, appropriate adult programming, employment, and housing options. But please, how about less talk on causes and cures and more focus on helping our children, adults, and families live a good, happy, productive and fulfilling life.

1 comment:

  1. Autism is a kind of condition without a cure. However, it does not mean that children who are suffering from this condition will not be given the chance to study and experience a good education. It is one of the hot topics in education that must be tackled right away and provide necessary actions to provide the right education to these children because they deserve it.
