Sunday, September 5, 2010

Approve the Dishwasher Pilot Project! UPDATE!

Below is my article written on July 17, urging that the Dishwasher Pilot Project be approved. I've been wondering why the incumbent in my race opposes the Dishwasher Pilot Project, and now I know why. In a questionnaire, Ms. Brandman made the following statement: "Despite several attempts, however, we have not been able to reach a meeting of the minds on the actual costs and risks associated with their plan to install a used dishwasher. I am simply not willing to take a risk that children could be harmed."

Personally, I've had a used dishwasher in my house for 10 years now, and no children or adults have been harmed by using it. The statement of Ms. Brandman, above, is an insult to the Young Activist Club and their sponsors, and shows us to what abusurdities the incumbent will go to maintain the status quo. I reiterate my support for the Dishwasher Pilot Project, and think that the Board of Education should be encouraging innovative ideas like this one.


Youngsters today are definitely more aware of environmental issues than their parents and grandparents before them, who may have only hazy memories of the very first Earth Day in 1970. How many of us have had our kids remind us to recycle a can or turn out the lights when leaving a room?
The Piney Branch Elementary School Young Activist Club is taking environmental advocacy to a whole new level. With assistance and support from their local community, they have raised funds for a pilot project at their school to eliminate the use of polystryene meal trays, and replace that use with a dishwasher and reusable trays.
The current Board of Education continues to refuse to allow this pilot project to go forward. Why? The Young Activist Club and their advisors have addressed every possible concern, raised the money, and are ready to move forward.
If elected, the young environmentalists at Piney Branch Elementary School have my vote to approve the dishwasher pilot project. It's just the right thing to do.


  1. Wahoo, you have my vote ( and my promise to encourage others to join me as well) Thanks for running, and for being proactive about the PBES Dishwasher Project... its a win/win for all!

  2. Lyda,
    how can we get lawn signs and stickers etc to support your candidacy? We need them ASAP! I am in Takoma Park.
    Brenda Platt
    co-leader, Young Activist Club
