Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ten Thousand Thank Yous!

Although the "Campaign for Board of Education" is over, the campaign for fiscal responsibility, accountabilty, and a continuum of services in MCPS endures! I want to thank all ten thousand of you who voted for me!
Special thanks to the dedicated pollworkers, flyer distributors, sign displayers, folks who donated money, and everyone who called to offer encouragement and support. We went from zero to ten thousand votes in a short period of time, and while it didn't carry the day, I think we brought some visibility to our issues. Now let's take that energy and collectively move forward on the things that we think are important: restoring a full continuum of special education programs and services, ensuring that MCPS deals fairly and forthrightly with the community, and prioritizing school and child-centered services over administrative overhead.
Shout-out to the Young Activist Club at Piney Branch ES: don't be discouraged! Keep up the good work, and let us all know how we can help you in your continued advocacy to help our environment with your Dishwasher project.
Lyda Astrove

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