Sunday, July 11, 2010

Our Next Superintendent

One of the most frequent questions I have been asked lately is about the Board of Education's role in selecting the next Superintendent. I have some definite ideas about the qualities I would like to see in our next Superintendent. He or she should:

(1) Have a local community focus, rather than concerning himself/herself with national image.
(2) Be a hands-on manager who visits schools on a regular basis for the purpose of serving the constituency.
(3) Be someone who works with the community, and doesn’t surprise them with the latest plan to eliminate a program or close a school.
(4) Be willing to be completely transparent about the day-to-day financial dealings of the school system.
(5) Be an educator who encourages his/her staff to value insight and input from parents on the education of their individual children.

The selection process for our next superintendent should be as open and public as possible. What qualities would YOU like to see in our next Superintendent? Please email me at with your thoughts.

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