Thursday, July 8, 2010

Then....and Now

In the fall of 2007, I was honored to receive the local "Autism Hero" award from Autism Speaks at their annual "Walk Now" on the National Mall.

Here's an article about my efforts in the community that was published in the Washington Examiner.

In the last two and a half years since that award, my sense of urgency has only increased. Families of children with disabilities continue to need choices, options, possibilities for their children's future. And so do families of intellectually gifted children, kids with art and musical talents, and all the kids everywhere who have varying gifts, strengths, and needs. With your help, I hope to start to reverse the current trend towards "one size fits all" education that has brought us the "Seven Keys," where kids are railroaded along a pre-determined track. Do you feel that same sense of urgency: that we need to act NOW to get our school system back on track to be a flexible, responsive entity that is more interested in your child than in his MSA scores? Please email me at and let me know what YOUR concerns are!

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